Feed Customization

Show feed values in μm instead of mm

To change the Sync Feed ( mm/rev | inch/rev ) set [Feed Sync Multiplier] property to 1000 .

To change the Async Feed ( mm/min | inch/min ) set [Feed Async Multiplier] property to 1000 .

The default value will be multiplicated per 1000.

Drilling Feed Mode

To select between the sync or async feed used in drilling operation ( drilling, boring, tapping, ecc.. ) change the [Drilling Feed Mode]

Milling Feed Mode

To select between the sync or async feed used in milling operation ( pocketing, face milling, contouring ,ecc.. ) change the [Milling Feed Mode]

Lathe Feed Mode

**For Lathe machines **

By default in lathe machine is selected the synchronous feed mode ( mm / rev ).

If your machine need the feed expressed in asynchronous mode ( mm/min ) , you need to set the property [Lathe Feed Mode] in PREFERENCE dialog. From menu EDIT -> PREFERENCE

Probably you need to increment the decimal count for ASYNC feed , see section below codes.

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