
File generation customization

With ECAM is possible customize the file generation logic.

For example is possible change the default text editor, copy the g-code to clipboard, call external routine and so on.

If you need further customization , mail me.

###File Auto Generation

* [Post Processor documentation - HOME - ](post_processor.md)

Is possible to **synchronize** the file immediately after any edit.

This means the output file will be automatically updated , without any user intervention.

To **turn on** this feature simply check **[File Synchronization]** in the file generation dialog.


In the status bar, an icon will appear when the file is in synchronization.


**Green** ![](status_file_green.png) if successful.

**Red** ![](status_file_red.png) if something went wrong.


###Prevent Text Editor Opening

You can the prevent the text editor opening, checking the **[Prevent Run Editor]** in preference dialog.

See image below.

###Copy to clipboard

To copy to clipboard the generated g-code , turn on **[Copy To Clipboard]** .



###Customize G-Code Editor

You can select a different g-code editor, press the link highlighted in the image .

And select your preferred editor.



###Command line hooks

*from v.*

Is possible call external command line instruction in several point.

  • Before g-code file save

  • After g-code file save

  • Before g-code file sending

You can call many command for every hooks, just separate these command with a **;** char.

From preference dialog search "hooks" to find these property :


#####Example 1 :

You want to call a command before and one command after file generation , these case you need to set :

In the **[Before file generation]** property :


MachUtil.exe --close-gcode


and in the **[On file generated]** property :


MachUtil.exe --open-gcode {GCODE_FILEPATH}


The **{GCODE_FILEPATH}** tag is the g-code filepath.


#####Example 2 :

Instead of using RS232 communication, maybe you want to use a custom logic.

You can create this custom logic in a external console application .

In these case , you need to set the **communication mode to CUSTOM** :


And in the **[Before file sending]** property set , for example , this string:


MachUtil.exe --close-gcode ; MachUtil.exe --open-gcode {GCODE_FILEPATH}


In this way when you press the **[Send File]** button, the logic inside your console application, will be called .



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